Sunday, March 18, 2018

Top 5 Benefits of Joining an Online Mmusic Community

Every musician or industry professional, especially the independent ones will tell you that expanding your network and building organic relationships both with your colleagues, clients, and fans is one of the backbone parts of a sustainable music career. One way to get yourself out there and establish new contacts is attending in-person music conferences and networking meet-ups. Although it’s a priceless experience and I strongly advocate for this type of events, the passes and accommodation for them might be a little out of your budget, and also you might not have the time to dedicate a whole weekend to attend one. So here comes another option for you – joining an online music community.(Please note one does not exclude the other. If you have the chance to attend an in-person event, don’t think twice and go for it). I’ve been a member of several Facebook networks and masterminds for more than 3 years now, and here are some of the most outstanding benefits.

  1. Establishing contacts – the creators of those groups want the members to interact as much as possible, so they strongly encourage new members to introduce themselves and share a little bit about what they’re doing. So, go there, say “hi”, go through other members’ intros, and you will quickly find like-minded people, who would be happy to connect.
  2. Learning – these groups include both people who want to learn and others who have what to teach. It’s amazing how many people exchange advice and experience, ask questions, and share what works for them and what doesn’t.
  3. Find collaborators  - being surrounded with like-minded people will not only make for a great conversation, but it also might help you find people to collaborate with on your projects – maybe you need a co-writer, producer, marketing consultant, etc. Chances are that you will either find the right person there, or at least you will get a recommendation for a good one.
  4. Get accountability – making music for a living is connected with a lot of fears and doubts, which lead to procrastination. So accountability is your best friend when it comes to becoming the action taker you want to be.
  5. Support and celebration – what I’ve been observing is that in these groups, no struggle is left unsupported and no win is left uncelebrated. And this type of support is something that will also fuel you on your way of taking an inspired action towards your career.

In my next article, I will share with you some of the DOs and DON'Ts of being a member if an online music communities

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